service and product designer

Diary study of peer review cycle - trivago

Diary study of trivago’s peer review


To understand the employee experience at trivago during the annual feedback round a diary study was felt to be an appropriate method of field research as it would allow us to capture the lived experience in ‘real’ time.

My role

Initially, I planned aims for the research and set objectives for data gathering and synthesis. Following this, I recruited the participants and managed their participation over the two months.

Activities performed

  • user research

  • research planning

  • user interviews

  • data synthesis

  • personas

  • user journey maps


The results of a diary study and post-use survey showed clearly that whilst most employees could see the long term benefit of receiving feedback the current system placed a higher workload burden on those who valued giving feedback to those who saw it as ‘another piece of administration’. The timing of the round at the end of the year also disproportionately affected managers who were also busy with strategy planning and salary review processes.

The results formed the basis of personas and user journeys which were used in a workshop with developers and stakeholders to initiate a plan of action for the future of the service and tool. After presenting this to the leadership team and decision has been made to reduce workload and move away from the company-wide fixed date round to a flexible approach.


In addition to a regular survey, a diary study was launched to better understand the user experience during the feedback round. Participants were recruited from each of the office locations and various managerial levels. They were asked to record every day they interacted with the tool over a logging period.

Final interviews were held at the end of the study once feedback had been delivered to gain more context.

The diary text and transcripts from the interviews were coded into common themes using CAQDAS software. From this, two extreme personas were identified and their user journey mapped.



7.948% of quotes (total 60 quotes) were about workload. This could include how users were fitting 360° into their daily life, how many evaluations they had to complete or how they feel about the 360°/work balance.

Workload insights

But evaluating 20 people in 2 weeks in 9 different things is really a lot. I wonder how good is the quality of this evaluation in the end.
Source: Source 1
Location: DUS ; Newbie (first annual round): No ; RL: No ; TL: No

I don’t feel productive while working on them
Source: Source 2
Location: DUS ; Newbie (first annual round): Yes ; RL: No ; TL: No

During the last couple of days, the number of 360’s to fill out has increased a lot
Source: Source 3
Location: DUS ; Newbie (first annual round): No ; RL: No ; TL: No